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Jon O'Keefe, Technology Education Jedi

Jon O'Keefe
Technology Education Jedi

Do you hear that? It's the sound of Jedi Jon pulling his fancy microphone closer - he's ready to talk with you about the latest technology training topics. Join Jedi Jon, Technology Education Jedi, once a month for a live, 30-minute session designed to help you grow your business. Dive into the latest tech training topics with us and get your questions answered in real time. 

Sign up below to grab your spot at the next Tech Talk on May 10!

Tech Talk on May 10: Get Them SAFE

Most cybersecurity insurance requires organizations to perform and have proof of end-user awareness training. That means millions of dollars in training opportunity for you. Join Jon O'Keefe, Technology Education Jedi, on May 10 to learn about why the cybersecurity insurance requirement is important for your training business and how you can capitalize on it with CyberSAFE training.

He'll cover:

  • The "what": Cybersecurity insurance is on the rise.
  • The "so what?": Organizations want to be protected, but they often overlook their most targeted  assets.
  • The "now what?": Help your clients with our "Get Them SAFE" offer and don't miss out on millions of dollars of training.

Recording: The Perfect Storm Tech Talk

According to ISSA, the cybersecurity skills gap is worsening for the fifth straight year, and almost 75% of all organizations will face security issues because of this.

Join ​​Jedi Jon at his next Tech Talk on April 12 to learn more about the "Perfect Storm" of cybersecurity, including:

  1. What? The "Perfect Storm" is coming in cybersecurity.
  2. So What? What this will mean for your clients in the next 18-24 months.
  3. Now What? Making organizational cybersecurity simple.

Watch the recording now

Recording: CMMC Tech Talk

CMMC 2.0 creates more than one billion dollars in training potential. Watch this recording to learn more about how to take advantage of this huge opportunity.

He'll cover:

  • A brief background on CMMC 2.0
  • Course(s) you can teach to take advantage of the CMMC opportunity
  • Target organizations and job titles
  • Common questions to start with
  • Overcoming objections
Recording: Digital Transformation Tech Talk

Digital transformation, or DX, is one of the hottest topics your customers are talking about right now. According to BCG, 80% of all companies are considering taking on a DX project in the next 12 months, and this percentage is likely to rise as COVID-19 continues to hang around.

Watch the Digital Transformation Tech Talk now >