Register below for our upcoming webinar:

Security by Design in Coding
Tuesday, June 30 at 4:00 PM BST/11:00AM EDT

Presented by: 
Jon O'Keefe
Technology Education Jedi
Logical Operations

Join Jon O'Keefe, Technology Education Jedi, for a 30-minute, informational webinar on Security by Design in Coding, featuring our new Cyber Secure Coder (CSC) curriculum and high-stakes certification. CSC maps to the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce framework and helps developers map training to the OWASP Top 10.

Topics covered in the webinar:

  1. What is Security by Design?
  2. How does Security by Design fit with existing coding education and DevOps/Agile?
  3. What is the OWASP Top 10 and why do application developers need to know it?