Protecting your Training Investment with Training Reinforcement

If you’re involved in training (or even if you’ve ever had training), you have heard of the learning curve. But you may not know that the concept is nearly as old as experimental psychology itself. The learning curve was discovered by psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus in 1885. However, as soon as Ebbinghaus discovered the learning curve, which describes how quickly you learn information, he discovered the forgetting curve, which describes how quickly you forget newly learned information.

The good news is that lost learning is an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of training, which is another way of saying to improve the return on the training investment.

Download this whitepaper to learn:

  • The effect of the learning and forgetting curves on learning retention

  • How reinforcement can help protect learning retention and your training investment

  • What reinforcement strategies you can start implementing now to maximize training reinforcement