Logically Speaking January 2022: Digital Transformation Drives Projects in 2022
January 19, 2022
Growth Opportunities

Digital Transformation Defined: What Project Managers Need to Know

​​​​​by Jon O'Keefe, Technology Education Jedi


Digital transformation, or DX, is one of the hottest topics your customers are talking about right now. According to BCG, 80% of all companies are considering taking on a DX project in the next 12 months, and this percentage is likely to rise as COVID-19 continues to hang around. 

Let’s look at three important questions related to digital transformation projects: 

  1. What is digital transformation? 
  2. What areas of an organization are impacted by DX? 
  3. How is this impacting Project Management? 

What Is Digital Transformation (DX)? 

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. This reimagining of business in the digital age is digital transformation.” – SFDC 

Woman standing in front of digital media - digital transformation conceptWhat better place to find the definition of DX than Salesforce.com, one of the companies that is defining the move to digital processes and practices for businesses across the globe. However, it is important to note that DX isn’t just digitizing records. True, DX involves moving physical records to digital storage, but that doesn’t mean that organizations are getting the most value out of their information.  New workflows, new terminology, and new buy-in from leadership are all critical drivers of a digital transformation project being successful. Additionally, successful DX projects require institutional and organizational changes at all levels, and in some cases require a complete reworking of leadership vision as well as adoption of best practices around managing goods, people, and projects.  

What Areas Are Impacted by Digital Transformation (DX)? 

DX impacts the entire organization. There are key areas that project managers will need to examine as they embark on DX projects. DX projects typically incorporate new and emerging technologies, like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Internet of Things (IoT), with an emphasis on understanding data and technology terms, developing new workflows, adjusting communication flows, and creating completely new team structures. Under a DX project, the results measurements are likely to be much more customer centric, require working with cutting-edge technologies and could result in different teamwork dynamics. The whole organization from top to bottom needs to be prepared for these types of changes, and that includes project managers. 

How Is This Impacting Project Management? 

Project managers are increasingly being asked to lead or be a part of digital transformation projects at their companies. Often these projects will challenge the old way of doing something and update it to use a more efficient or modern technology, like how Amazon has changed the way all of us shop. The result is the same, but the processes and steps we go through to make a purchase on Amazon, and what goes on behind the scenes is quite different than what happens in a basic brick and mortar storefront. The biggest challenge currently facing PMs is that DX projects are using technologies that have their own language associated around them, and without some basic knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cloud, Cybersecurity, etc., even the most experienced PM can easily get lost.  

All of this is leading to an increase in demand for experienced project managers who also understand the emerging technology landscape and have been trained in how to best handle digital transformation projects. 

Keys to Selling

Courses That Power DX Projects

​​​​​by Jim Gabalski, VP, Sales and Marketing


Courses that Power Digital TransformationDigital transformation (DX) projects touch just about every part of an organization.  A critical part of the success of any DX project is upskilling the people so that they can operate within the new “digital” business paradigm. From foundational Microsoft Office topics to advanced Artificial Intelligence skills, there are many competencies that are required within a digitally transformed company. To keep it simple, here are a few courses that your clients running DX implementations will need training on: 

  1. CyberSAFE – to conduct business digitally, more people within an organization will leverage technology, most typically computers, laptops, tablets, and cell phones that are connected to critical systems. CyberSAFE provides an understanding of the risks with using technology, why security is important, and how to use devices securely. 

  2. Data Analysis and Visualization Using Excel (D.A.V.E.) – Within digitally transformed organizations, data-driven decision-making becomes part of the culture. DAVE teaches analysts from throughout an organization how to aggregate and analyze data more efficiently while creating compelling visuals that tell a simplified story. 

  3. ET4PM – The Language of Emerging Technology for Project Managers. All project managers involved with leading a DX project need a base understanding of the terminology of information technology. This course, designed for project managers, examines the terms used by Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Data Science professionals. The result is that the PM has the ability to hold meaningful conversations with these important DX team members. 

  4. Cyber Secure Coder (CSC) – trains application developers in the principles of Security by Design. Every DX project involves the design and development of new systems, even if an out-of-the box solution is utilized.  CSC provides the skills needed to ensure security considerations are taken into account throughout the software development lifecycle. 

  5. Certified Internet of Things Practitioner (CIoTP) – IoT applications are enabling an extended enterprise. From cellphone applications to self-reporting refrigerators, IoT apps are critical components of many DX projects. Just think about where you would be without Netflix on your iPhone…CIoTP teaches how to build IoT applications properly and securely. 

The list of training courses that support digital transformation projects is much more extensive than the five noted above. The most important thing to do is to ask your customers if they are engaging in digital transformation and what skills they need to build most in their organization. If they don’t know, then talk about the five above. In fact, share this article and see where the conversation goes. And ask your LO account manager if they bring up something that you need help mapping to one of our course offerings. 

Curriculum Corner

The Data Science Learning Path

by Nancy Curtis, VP, Content


Data analyst working on computerDigital transformation projects typically generate a ton of data. That means data analysis and data automation skills form the backbone of data-rich digital transformation projects that really work.   

Logical Operations has a curriculum line to take learners through a complete data science and analysis path -- from baseline spreadsheet skills, right through to advanced data science topics.   

Here’s our suggested learning path to get your students skilled up for the digital revolution:  

  • Microsoft® Excel® (any current version): Part 1 and Part 2 
  • Data Analysis and Visualization with Microsoft Excel® (aka “DAVE”) 
  • Programming and Data Wrangling with VBA and Excel® 
  • Tableau® Desktop (Second Edition):  Part 1 and Part 2 
  • Microsoft® Power BI®: Data Analysis Professional or Data Analysis Practitioner (Second Edition) 
  • DSBIZ™: Data Science for Business Professionals 
  • Introduction to Programming with Python® 
  • Advanced Programming Techniques with Python® 
  • Using Data Science Tools in Python® 
  • Certified Data Science Practitioner  
  • Database Design: A Modern Approach 
  • SQL Querying: Fundamentals and Advanced (Second Edition) 
  • AIBIZ™: Artificial Intelligence for Business Professionals 
  • Certified Artificial Intelligence (AI) Practitioner 
  • Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist™ 

Find more information at https://logicaloperations.com/data-science-learning-path/, and add these titles to your training program today!   

You Don't Need to Be a Data Scientist to Teach Data Science

by Nancy Curtis, VP, Content


Instructor teaching students in computer classroomAs an instructor, does teaching data science skills seem like a daunting prospect? Have no fear! You should have confidence in your ability to come up to speed on these cutting-edge topics and train them effectively, even without field experience as a professional data science practitioner. Why?  Because, just like everything else you’ve mastered in your career, you can succeed if you have the aptitude and interest in the subject matter, combined with the motivation to explore and prepare.   

The CHOICE instructional model is designed to promote and support this kind of success for you as well as for your learners.  Let’s take a look at how:  

  • Extensive student instructional text is the foundation for all the key concepts presented in every piece of courseware. All the essentials of a given content area are captured and documented in concise and logical chunks. This means that you take the student text and use it as the framework for your own instructional preparation.   

  • Illustrations and graphics in the instructor slide decks help bring processes and relationships to life visually, to enhance understanding for you as well as for your students. And, unlike many curriculum providers, with CHOICE materials, you are free to adjust and tweak the visuals to suit your own instructional and intellectual style.   

  • Our activity format makes data science exercises easy. We hear complaints that other publishers provide “too much theory and not enough ‘do’!” Not a problem in the CHOICE model:  no-fail practical exercises accompany every key skill and instructional objective. Each activity is scaffolded with the detail needed for success, including framing real-world scenarios; explanatory narrative; click-by-click instructions; reference screencaptures; modular starter files; pre-built sample code; and suggested solutions for discussions and case studies.   

  • Our setup and configuration options make it easy for you to create the technical learning environment for each course. You might opt to utilize our LogicalLABs. Or, you can set up on-premises using our detailed configuration guides, many with companion virtual machine (VM) files.   

  • Our just-in-time marginal instructor notes and up-front presentation tips give you the additional insights and guidance you need to create a complete, well-rounded delivery plan.   

We wish you all the best as you help your learners acquire the key data science skills most in demand in the professional workplace of today. 




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Logical Operations revises student and instructor materials based on technical changes, customer feedback, and our own assessment of necessary changes. The revision notes for the most recent updates are below as well as posted on the Content Revisions page. Use this page as a resource to quickly access and view all revision details for any of our recent course updates. 

Reminder: When viewing a product on the store, check the Revision Information tab to see the summary description of the most recent revision for that product at any time.


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