Cybersecurity in 2020: Resolutions for a New Year
January 10, 2020 by Jon O'Keefe
Jon O'Keefe
Technology Education Jedi
Logical Operations

“The Ball” has dropped, the confetti has been cleared away, and we’re officially in a new year. While you are setting your goals and resolutions for the year, it’s important that you don’t overlook the mistakes of last year and choose to learn from them – especially when it comes to cybersecurity. 

Setting cybersecurity resolutions for 2020 may sound like the pinnacle of nerdom, but they could help you be more conscious about your practices and choices online.

Here are just a few suggestions to get you started on your resolution list:

  • Give up bad habits – Many people list smoking or drinking as their bad habits to give up in the coming year, but you should also add your digital habits as well. Leave weak passwords, using unsecured Wi-Fi, a lack of 2-factor authentication, skimping on security software, and other cybersecurity bad habits in 2019. By taking small, simple steps, you will begin to improve your security online and avoid becoming a statistic at the end of 2020.
  • Make sure policies are in order – You should always have a plan just in case the worst happens in the world of security. An information security policy can help you respond to cyber-incidents while also acting as a benchmark for the training of employees on proper data breach response and overall security. A good information security policy will include information about how private data is collected, stored, and shared as well as how any possible incidents are reported/handled.
  • Prepare your employees – Phishing attacks, data breaches, and hacks happen all the time due to simple human error. Instead of wasting an exorbitant amount of time and money in the future should your company fall victim to such an attack, make this the year of implementing company-wide cybersecurity training for all employees.
  • Purchase the right tools – In addition to the human aspect of your cybersecurity plan, make sure that you have the right systems and programs in place to automatically act as a force field around your company.
  • Assess data management - All company data collection, retention, and storage methods should be considered carefully before purchasing any software, programs, or tools for digital security. If your company is storing data for long periods of time unnecessarily or keeping information that is not critical to your business, data practices should be reconsidered.

Our Ahead of The Curve course offerings include multiple courses to help you or your team stick to your cybersecurity resolutions.